What is small bore rifle shooting?

Small-bore rifle shooting is a traditional sport where shooters, shoot lying down at targets that are 50 metres away. The sport is about technique and training. It does not focus on firearms. Firearms are only one of the many tools that a shooter uses to hit the target.  Our rifles are single shot target rifles and our sport only allows .22 calibre rifles.  Having said that, we do shoot air rifles on a 10 metre range from a supported and unsupported positions. Some shooters prefer to be seated to shoot which can be supported and unsupported positions. Supported means that the rifle is placed on a rest to hold the weight.

What makes our club different?

We don’t pressure shooters.   We are relaxed and like to enjoy our shooting.  The only pressure is self inflicted to do better each time you shoot (PB).  All ages and genders are catered for (must be 11yrs old min).  All shooters use the same calibre of rifle (they may look different) and shoot at the same time. Competitions between male and female are on equal footing.   All shooters shoot over a 50 metre or 10 metres in the same conditions.

Our Club Shoots Saturday morning with shooting commencing at 8:30am to approximately 12 noon depending on the number of club members shooting and at the discretion of the Range Officer. Club members or visitors must be started shooting by 09:30am.

All club Committee Members, Coaches and Range Officers are Volunteers.

Mission Statement:-

The Club and its Members strive to promote sportsmanship, inclusion, fellowship and training in firearms safe handling , in a friendly environment.